Lenovo ThinkPad P Series (P52, P53, P16 Gen 1, P16 Gen 2) - Don't Even Think About It + Funny Warranty Service Tale

Last week, I got a refund for my Lenovo ThinkPad P16 Gen 1. On paper, it sounded like a dream machine, with insane specifications ready to tackle any computing task. It was also a good way to flex your choice of 128 GB of RAM which I actually did use.

You’d think spending thousands of dollars on a machine would grant you a premium experience, this post will make you think again about that. Consider buying a used car instead.

Now, after using it for a while, I started to notice some flaws that simply could not be fixed. Yes, there were hardware and software problems that could be tweaked or dealt with precise fiddling. However, other issues were due to the design of the machine and some of the bad decisions that Lenovo made. I constantly felt like I was wrestling with it to get it to do what I want, but even then it didn’t listen to me.

I have the impression that Lenovo never really stress tested their machines when designing them to go through the quality control process. It was a bit bewildering when I started to see oversights that even a layman would notice. I’m no hardware engineer, but even with my puny brain, I could tell some decisions were just not right.

Keep in mind that these issues are very anecdotal but I do have some technical analysis to prove that I’m not making this stuff up.


I’ve had quite some bad luck when it comes to thermals for pretty much every laptop I’ve owned. I often pushed these machines to the limits and quickly realized that they weren’t designed for endurance.

Processors temperatures would shoot up, the laptop would become noisier than a 727 on takeoff and it would become so hot that you could cook breakfast on the keyboard.

Once the laptop started to turn orange from the heat, the CPU and GPU would give up and downclock until even solitaire ran at slideshow speeds. The P16 I’ve had was built with a really thick chassis and a gigantic heatsink, so you’d expect it to handle stress tests but it kept failing as the processors were saying good bye to their performance and dropping their TDP. Or in some cases, just shutting off the machine.

Under load, the CPU and GPU cannot maintain their maximum frequency for a very long time, having the core clocks go down dramatically on a regular basis. Specialized software reveals that the system is doing that in response to high temperatures and lack of power from the supply. Rarely can the CPU and GPU reach their maximum TDP when at load.

Here, the video card is under heavy usage. Notice how it never achieves it's maximum design frequency of 1500.0 MHz. The chart shows the GPU clock constantly fluctuating. (from a tool GPU-Z)

Here, the CPU and GPU are having their performance capped due to not having enough power from the AC supply. (from the CPU-Z and GPU-Z tools)

This creates stutters and frame rate drops, generating a very inconsistent experience with 3D applications or GPU heavy programs.

Not only do the internals get very hot, but the heat transfers to the case. Hot spots of over 60C were measured on top of the keyboard using a laser thermometer.

This is a reading from a laser thermometer after running some software intensive tasks. Although increased case temperatures are expected, this is the temperature on the keyboard surface. It is hot to the touch at 60C. The keyboard becomes very uncomfortable to use.

One solution that helped slightly was putting the laptop on a stand, but that ruined the ergonomics and usability of the system. It only delayed the heat issues by a few minutes, it did not solve them.

Temperatures for both the CPU and GPU hit 100C, which is their maximum design limits. Sometimes the temperatures exceeds those and the laptop shuts down suddenly to protect these components.

This is the temperature of the CPU (monitored using a tool HWInfo) after running some hardware intensive tasks, exceeding 100C, the safe design limit for the CPU.

Setting the "Ultra Performance Mode" in ThinkPad Vantage and ensuring that the Windows Power Management is set to "High Performance" does not solve the problem at all.

For something that is "workstation" grade, I'd expect that stress testing was done during the design process and quality control, but it doesn't seem like it.

I have not been able to find a reliable solution for these issues and simply had to endure poor performance and high temperatures. Neither via hardware fixes or software adjustments.

Power Supply Issues

The laptop cannot draw enough power to sustain the CPU and GPU at high loads. As a result, it will start draining the battery to be able to power the laptop. This is because the power adapter can only provide up to 230W of power.

It’s really embarrassing that no one did the simple math of calculating the total TDP of the CPU and GPU and designing an adapter with enough wattage to feed the machine enough power to keep the components alive.

However, even using a 300W adapter does not solve the issue. Using an external electricity usage monitor, only up to 230W is drawn despite the more powerful adapter.

As a result, after running under load for about an hour, the battery charge is fully depleted and the laptop shuts off suddenly and automatically.

Three official and certified Lenovo 230W Power Adapters were tested resulting in the same behaviour. The combined TB4 and AC port from the Lenovo ThinkPad Workstation Dock results in the same behaviour as well. Using a 300W adapter also from Lenovo causes the same issues.

A review by NotebookCheck.net for the Lenovo ThinkPad P16 G1 RTX A5500 confirmed similar behaviour under the same conditions.

Here, a reviewer notes the battery level drop after running some benchmarks while the laptop was plugged in

Here, using the BatteryMon tool, you can see the laptop battery discharging even though it is connected to A/C power.

If you think Lenovo has learned a lesson from this design, don’t worry, the upcoming Gen 2 model still has a 230W adapter.

USB Connectivity Issues

USB connectivity is unreliable especially when multiple devices are connected at once. After a USB device is plugged for a few minutes, they sometimes disconnect partially causing data corruption or completely. The devices are gone from Windows Device Manager. The problem is compounded when using USB Hubs (even powered ones) or a docking station. When the laptop is under heavy load, the time for the devices to disconnect is even less.

This happens with any USB slot whether USB-A or USB-C or Thunderbolt.

Enabling "Always On USB" and disabling "DMA Protection" does not solve the issue. Restoring BIOS settings to defaults didn't help either. Various versions of Windows were tested included 10, 11 and Insider Previews. Both the factory reset reimaging and clean format did not help.

These same devices function normally on other computers without any issues.

A full replacement of the mainboard did not fix the problem.

Here is the output of a USB Webcam after the USB connection failed. Again, this issue does not happen if the same device is plugged into another computer

Bluetooth Audio Issues

Bluetooth audio devices which combine output (such as a speaker) and input (such as a microphone) have an odd quirk. If the input is enabled, the audio through the output either cuts off completely or the quality of the audio is lowered dramatically.

Notice the output stream on the top and the input stream on the bottom. When input is enabled (such as a microphone in this case), the output cuts out.

This is because the built-in Bluetooth does not support the LC3 codec despite being officially Bluetooth 5.2.

These devices don't have issues when connected to other computers or mobile phones.

Docking Station

The Lenovo ThinkPad Thunderbolt 4 Workstation Dock has issues connecting and disconnecting reliably. Often, when connecting the laptop to the dock, not all displays get a video signal, and the only solution is to power cycle the dock by unplugging and plugging power back in.

Sometimes, the USB and Audio connectors do not function at all or disconnect at random times. Sometimes power cycling doesn't work and the computer needs to be restarted.

Updating the Docking Station Firmware did not solve or improve any issues.

Suspend and Sleep Issues

When closing the lid or pressing the "Sleep" button on the keyboard, the laptop will appear to enter a suspended state. The screen will turn off and the ThinkPad LED indicator will slowly flash. However, the laptop is clearly still on, as the fans are still running. This also results in the battery being drained. This happens in both Windows 10 and 11.

Battery Life and Throttling

Although the Lenovo website claims that the laptop can have up to about 5 hours of battery life, I've never been able to exceed 2. This is even making sure only the minimum of software is running, minimizing CPU usage and lowering brightness. This was both the case with the P53 and P16.

Even under ideal conditions, battery life can be quite poor. The battery is nearly full, but only has a little more than an hour of available run time

In addition, when the laptop is on battery power, the CPU is heavily downclocked generating an unusable experience. Software runs extremely slowly. There are some utilties that can disable this but I didn't use as it can damage the components on the mainboard.

Although it's normal for Intel SpeedStep to lower CPU clocks under light loads to save power, this is the maximum frequency recorded (by HWInfo) when under battery power

The only solution is to always keep the laptop plugged into an outlet thus tethering me to a power outlet.

Bonus Story: A Funny Tale About a Motherboard Replacement

There was an issue with the USB ports on the machine and they determined that the solution would be the replace the mainboard. I spent an inordinate amount of money to have premier warranty support. This story happened when the technician inspected the motherboard replacement. We both had quite a laugh and it made his day. I was supposed to be angry but I found it funny instead.

The original motherboard is on the left, the replacement motherboard is on the right. Pay close attention to the DIMM heat shields.

The first thing that caught my attention is that the heatshield in the replacement motherboard wouldn't fit over the DIMMs.

However, I noticed that they both look very different. The obvious difference is the missing serial number and black tape, but that can happen with replacement parts, this is normal.

Take a closer look at the two pieces, I put them side by side for comparison.

The right one is from the original motherboard, the one that shipped with the new machine. The left one is from the replacement motherboard that was delivered. Notice the size difference? The new one is too small.

However, look even closer, there are creases, it almost looks like it was taped together. Turns out, it's not a heat shield, it's actually improvised from tape.

This isn't the worst part yet, the tape is actually aluminum foil. I tested it for conductivity and it's actually conductive.

This means that this piece, that was touching the pins and the DIMMs, would cause an electrical short, which is obviously dangerous. If I didn't have an eye for this, and left this odd piece, it would have damaged the laptop permanently.

I'd like to know how can someone improvise something like this, and then have it pass QC? This isn't even a manufacturing defect, not even shoddy workmanship.

So it looks like Lenovo is so cheap that they’re ready to put aluminum foil as a replacement for a supposedly brand new part.


I’m not the only one to think this, but many agree that ThinkPad laptops have gone down in workmanship and quality since Lenovo bought the series from IBM (well actually it was the other way around, IBM sold it to them).

The problem with laptops, I always felt like that I was picking the least worst laptop rather than the best laptop. Laptops seem to be a story of compromise and you’ll always be losing somewhere. If I didn’t need to take my work with me and wasn’t a nomad, a desktop would have been a no-brainer. It’s half the cost and easy to modify and upgrade.

Now, I’m desperately looking everywhere for a replacement that will hopefully work well enough to help me get things done, even if there are a few bugs and papercuts. And of course, last me more than a couple of months.

Bracing myself to overdraw my account!

My biggest failure, the FreeBASE console...

It’s been almost 10 years since the FreeBASE idea was initiated. However, it was a massive failure due to realizing that we were competing in the wrong field and honestly being afraid of our shadow.

The biggest problem that I didn’t understand back in my university days is that good ideas don’t make good products. I mean, how great of a proposition is it? A game and media console that would play free content with thousands of freeware and open-source games and popular online series that were viewable at no cost.

We had a great team each with their own speciality me being software, someone else doing research for the free content, a web developer, a DevOps (before the term was even coined) expert but still looking for more. Several times, we even had amateur investors meeting with us because they were interested in taking the idea even further though all of them, at the end of the day, were skeptical of the idea and threw us out of the window.

At the time, the landscape was shaping up to be a quite competitive one and I was slightly scared of them. I mean, the giants Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo had a foothold on the market and we realized that we could never compete with them. But we had a bit of hope because other players tried to enter the market such as Boxer8’s OUYA and Valve’s Steam Machine made us feel like we can squeeze into the market too.

However, in retrospect several years later, after the project was canned, we saw Boxer8 and Valve fall flat on their faces with disastrous results. We were naïve at the time and couldn’t see the faults in our ‘competitors’. But, just like us, they were short-sighted, and failed to understand the market. Julie Uhrman, the founder of the OUYA project, had no idea what she was doing. For example, she claimed that the OUYA controller was the first to have a touchpad while she was oblivious to the fact that Sony’s Dual Shock controller beat them to it. What an embarrassment!

Valve’s idea fell on it’s face after selling so few Steam Machines that many people ended up buying them because they were cheap computers installing Windows on them to get rid of the subpar SteamOS. OUYA was even more embarrassing. The best selling game was TowerFall, but the developers revealed that only 7000 copies were sold. It was ported to PC and become a massive hit there.

At this point, I have to give up on insulting the other projects because ours was a much bigger failure. I was so confident that we would get somewhere but I began to feel fear and the whole team got disillusioned and split apart shortly after. The only evidence left is an idiotic YouTube video that looked like a teaser, for a teaser.

Our proposition brought challenges that our much larger competitors didn’t have to face.

First, we couldn’t build or design our own hardware, we decided to use off-the-shelf components but building such a machine was very expensive. We tried to make tiers to create multiple markets but it was as confusing as Windows Vista’s swath of editions. Our projections showed that our systems would be at least twice as expensive of current consoles with much less horsepower.

Second, we had to make money on hardware, we couldn’t sell it at a loss like the others. Since the games were free, we couldn’t make the creators pay licensing fees to have their game featured on the console. We saw Microsoft try this business model with making money on the console but they had to take so much shortcuts that the rings of death became a meme. In other words, these companies had such deep pockets that they could recuperate their losses with licensing fees, and that made their products make millions and billions of dollars.

Third, we made no market analysis at all. We didn’t know if anyone was actually interested in playing shoddy indie games made by someone in their free time. The quality of the games didn’t even touch the ones made by AAA publishers.

My main partner, who was helping me with building the software, put it so elegantly that we hit emotional walls and still haven’t learned our lessons from the failed project. It became really obvious that we didn’t have our shit together.

To this day, I still ruminate about the project because I wish it would be alive and successful. I did consider turning the hardware idea into just a Linux distro. There are already some poorly polished ideas such as Lutris which handles pretty much everything up to even installing patched versions of Wine for better compatibility.

The project still left a legend or legacy behind it, so here’s some images that invoked what we thought the FreeBASE interface would be like.

Leave some notes in the comments sections on your opinions and ideas on this failed project, or similar ideas you had, or even if you want to bring it back again.

How to Learn...

“You can do anything if you put your mind into it”

Some Optimist - Many Years (Eons?) Ago

The infamous quote is thrown everywhere so much that it has become sort of a platitudinal stereotype. However, it skips on one thing: the effort required to actually “put your mind into it” and what steps and procedures you’re actually supposed to take. Learning takes copious time and unending dedication to the point where you may have to sacrifice parts of your life to get to where you want to in a practice, art or field. You may face obstacles you believe that you can’t surmount and face fears that have never been shown to you.

Turns out, it’s not that easy.

The Dangers of Specialization

Universities aren’t the best place to learn - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 by barnyz

As our world steers into a specialized one, where one only masters one very particular topic to detriment of ignoring everything else, we are losing our generalists who can be pretty good at many things at the same time. For the past few centuries, several institutions notably universities, how been touted as the primary way of learning. Amassing knowledge is expensive, time consuming and often loaded with boring lectures and unending sprint of assignments.

Intellectuality without the Formal

What a fancy diploma looks like serving but nothing as a decorative piece - CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by mag3737

Many of the concepts I’ll be presenting here are based on anecdotes rather than hard science. I’m doing this on purpose because I saw what some have become although they didn’t even complete high school. I’ve met many people online and offline who have amassed quite some knowledge in addition to healthy critical thinking dipped in reason and even some emotionality. Some of the most intelligent people I’ve met have no semblance of any credentials such as diplomas still having a hunger for knowledge.

These people have become intellectuals without the need for anything formal. There’s a fine line between intelligence and intellectuality. The former is essentially a status that is achieved and grown through intellect; it’s the measuring stick. Being an intellectual represents a deep hunger for knowledge usually seen as simply a means to an end. In other words, learning for the sake of learning.

The average person has limited their knowledge to what their formal education has taught them, much of the content actually forgotten after the exam, and work in fields completely unrelated to what they studied. On the other hand, specialists are too engrossed in the tiny subject that they are obsessed about. I fail to see how these knowledge perspectives can actually be steps toward building a solid intellect. I’ll actually argue that they are both the same, they’ve hit a wall with no doors to newness or curiosity.

Neglecting Learning

Boxed and scared in by not learning - CC BY 2.0 by admiller

Knowledge a few centuries ago were limited to the elite who could afford to travel to absorb books and meet scholars. However, with innovations such as the printing press, known as the printer today, knowhow and many topics became accessible to many more. Oddly enough, libraries are frequented by few people being full with unread books collecting nothing but dust. There’s a few statistics about this, but I’ve been given the impression that few people read. Their bookshelf is nothing but a showpiece and the Kindle was a useless birthday gift.


This is where self-learning comes into place. Rather than spend thousands of dollars to hear tasteless lectures that induce sleep better than most hypnotic agents, you can acquire knowledge and learn new arts on your own. The difficult part is the discipline needed to keep going. The avolition that stems from a fatiguing life steers us toward Netflix rather than say a book or a documentary.

Most will agree that the Internet has brought a paradigm shift to how knowledge can be acquired. Many resources are becoming free or simple to pirate bringing a endless world of paths towards expertise. Books are getting cheaper than ever with the advent of online stores and enjoyed in many formats from text to a talking audiobook. Google has made it possible to find things so quickly (at the price of losing any sense of privacy).


What I’m going to be touting here is an approach to learn, and learn quickly. I will be trying to combine effective techniques that modernity and technology has presented to us in addition to ancient proven methods that made our notable figures in history as polymaths.

Pick Something You Want To Learn

For me, this is the easier (or day I say. the easiest) part of the entire endeavour. Look at the many around us who can produce music in short moments or an author who writes world-renowned books. What about the more mundane such as knitting or geocaching? Do you want to become a simracer who tops the multiplayer charts or even learn how to fly an airliner in a flight simulator?

The end goal can be whatever you like but keep in mind that failing at achieving it isn’t the end of the world. You can always reset your compass whether you want to move to something else or find a new objective. Some of the more shallow purposes such as money and fame are more luck-based and will often lead to disappointment. While some other ideas such as developing your intellect and stimulating your brain can be more figuratively lucrative. Maybe you want to use those new powers for helping others or perhaps just for a sense of fulfillment. This is something that no one can pick for you and left to your own imagination and worldview.


How momentum plays a role in learning - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 by Chris Devers

Like I mentioned before, learning resources have become so abundant thanks to our modernity and technology. They can come in so many forms that are easy to find, affordable (or even free) and copious. Formats are also of many mediums and styles.

The discipline will be difficult to develop and I can’t tell you how to forge it into your lifestyle. Everyone is geared to a method that only works for them as a means to success. Productivity isn’t found in a self-help book but rather through experimentation. I’ll admit that school forces us to discipline because we’re chasing a good grade but that is honestly quite artificial. Rather, try something more novel. Here are some ideas:

  • Finding an accountability buddy where you can make promises to keep about a step you want to take. Either offline or online will probably work.

  • Sharing your experiences with others ideally like-minded. Admitting grudgingly, I used to believe that no one was interested in the obscure things that I did, it turned out that many were lit up by it.

  • Turn your learning into a game using perhaps a todo-list or a calendar. Keep track of your success of a reminder of your progress.

Many people talk about motivation and concentration to obtain a dopamine rush but we are not automatons who can enter learning mode in an instant. Through personal experience, I realized momentum played a more important role into actually doing something. In the likeness of pushing a heavy boulder at first seems unsurmountable but once it’s starts moving, it’s easier to keep it going. I’ll admit that this is my biggest challenge but I realized that it’s like your appetite. It doesn’t start until your first bite and then you keep going. Once you surmount your first steps, you develop a quasi-addiction that you can even claim to be enjoyable. You start looking forward to it all the time.


Reading is one method of learning - CC BY-SA 2.0 by benuski

  • Reading is the classical way to acquiring knowledge and even entertain ourselves. The advantage is that the subject is covered in-depth spread across hundreds of pages. No one is forcing you to read so you can develop your own pace that works with your life. However, in my opinion, this is probably the method that needs the most concentration and dedication. I didn’t mention a medium on purpose because there’s so much such as books, newspapers, blog posts, Wikipedia and countless others.

  • Listening seems to be a very popular method to learn even for the more visual. The success of audiobooks is a clear sign that it seems to be working for many. A great advantage is how it can be integrated and mixed with other mundane tasks such as driving home from work or cleaning the house.

  • Watching is an obvious one and we know how popular it is through the infiltration of cable TV at everyone’s place and the universality of streaming services. Documentaries are a great way to amass knowledge and the abundance of it means you can enjoy different perspectives of the same thing. I did say that it was boring, but that was my view, recorded lectures can now be found for free.

  • Kinesthetic learning involves going through the motions of doing what you’re learning. It’s both a form of starting from scratch and practice towards expertise. Just like watching, it can be done alone or in a group. For those with more social predispositions, this might be very effective.

  • Meetups are a great way to get exposed to a field quickly. It’s akin to diving into a cold swimming pool. There’s many places to find them such as Meetup.com or Facebook groups where you can meet like-minded people who have the same cravings as you. Some are more freeform while others more serious. Debate groups are abound and you’ll be forced to give in your two cents or ask difficult questions. This is ideal for the extraverted.

Now, I’ve heard so many claims about how one method leads to more retention than a another but these are based on simplistic views of psychology. The truth is that everyone has a different personality structure that prefers one method over another. The most effective technique is probably doing a combination of the above to make use of the advantages of each other.

Ducking Academia

As you may have noticed, I totally ducked the whole idea of academia. This isn’t an accident or an exercise of forgetfulness. We have been blessed by our technological advancements that make learning so cheap (or even free). No need to pull out a mortgage for tuition and putting ourselves in crushing debt.

One thing I would like to mention briefly, don’t put yourself into a money pit. Don’t go on a book shopping spree or buy the most expensive camera equipment for your new found love of photography. If you can, try to start with what you already have and control your spending. Many hungry knowledge seekers are young and don’t have any income as a means to purchase equipment. I’ll leave to your online search skills to find way to get things for cheap. At one point, once you’re in the zone, it will make sense to spend a bit. Remember, the equipment isn’t for showing off, but should be seen as method to become better at what you do.


Our minds work like single-core processors - CC BY-SA 2.0 by loan Sameli

Our brain is like a single-threaded processor, it can’t do exactly do two things as one. While you can do what most operating system schedulers do, switching between one task and the other constantly, it will lead to concentration issues and loss of the momentum I just mentioned earlier.

This doesn’t mean though you can’t dedicate yourself to more than one thing. You can alternate between many things over time and find yourself learning even more, widening your skillset and become an expert in many trades. The statement “jack of all trades, master of none” is a big fallacy in my view as I’ve seen people who’ve mastered many things. Look at our historical figures who were polymaths innovating in many fields and being pioneers in all sorts of arts.


Personally, I was never satisfied enough with what was brought to me by high school or university. My diplomas are fancy papers that I hang on my entrance but don’t define my field or even my identity. As one of my favourite managers put it, I’m always “stuck in learning mode”. It’s an obsession where every question that pops up in my head must have an answer by the end of the day, otherwise I’ll going into a deep downward spiral (maybe this is a bit of catastrophizing). I enjoy the exercise of coming up with more questions on the spot. I find my browser full of tabs of keywords that I came up across up on Wikipedia. One article keeps leading to another. There’s a ongoing joke which is partly true that every link path links to philosophy.

This is a list of things that I’m trying to learn right now:

Learning how to use automatic landing in a crosswind on a 767 - Copyright 2022 Ahmed El-Hajjar

One of my aspirations is to become an author - CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by vogmae

  • Improve my writing skills which I’m doing through my blog and social media presence. I aspire to be an author and have many subjects in mind but I can’t pick yet. I feel like I’m still a mediocre writer so I’m reading as much as I can to determine what structure is ideal. On the other hand, I still want to have my special touch.

  • Read more. I’ve been a lazy reader for a good part of my life and eventually realized on how much I was missing. My goal for 2022 was to read a book a week and so far so good. I’m managing to read two books a week sometimes. I mentioned that I wanted to become a generalist before, but this is the path I’m taking towards that goal. I’m a non-fiction lunatic and will read anything that isn’t a biography.

  • I want to drive better. One of my hobbies is driving and it’s something I do daily despite not always having a destination. Learning better car control, improving observation skills and knowing local laws better. Most importantly, I want to drive standard transmissions more smoothly and use advanced techniques. I’m just about to do my first mod to make heal-toe easier with a pedal bracket.

  • Learning more about flight. My first experience with flight simulator was when I was nine. Back then, I would constantly crash the plane on takeoff and couldn’t even do a simple pattern. I’m at a point now where I can do some procedures for different kinds of planes and have basic IFR navigation skills. I’m learning ATC phraseology so I can go on the VATSIM network.

  • Making gadgets. I started with a free piece of software called Fritzing trying to design circuits. I kept it as simple as possible using the simplest of tools to make things. I can now program microcontrollers and design basic circuits. I’ve procured a cheap refurbished 3D printer having learned some 3D modeling.

A Desktop Application that I’m currently working on. - Copyright 2022 Ahmed El-Hajjar

  • Make user facing applications. I spent a good part of my life doing web servers and APIs in the corporate realm. I want to make something that has a visual aspect to it. I’ve started to learn UI libraries in languages that I already know but also look at embedded web frameworks.

  • Learn more about myself. This is very difficult for me because I only recently started to face the fears that I had about the various worldviews that life had for us. Finding out what I liked and what didn’t through experimentation. I feel like I’m nowhere near my maximum potential but I’m finally learning labels to describe my story.


My article doesn’t have the objective of telling you exactly what to do in order to learn and become proficient at something. Rather, try to build a framework that works for you and your unique personality and style. Most importantly, remember to enjoy the journey rather than zone-in on the goal. Trust me, it will eventually become an addiction to the point of having a faith that dictates what your life should look like: one that is as fruitful as possible. Self-learning is where it’s at!


A plug to my Gems List, except mine are coloured and much cheaper than these diamonds - CC BY-ND 2.0 by Kim Alaniz

I have compiled a long list of resources where you can learn different things for free on my website. This is a shameless plug for my Gems List, which is growing all the time.

Click HERE FOR Gems!

Announcing TopRoms - A Curated ROM Set of High Quality Games.

Announcing TopRoms! A curated ROM collection of high quality games. This set aims to include only games that are worth playing according to the industry. A big search was done through blogs, sales numbers, multiple recommendation lists and top lists to find both well known classics and the gems that we forgot.

This is to avoid the inconvenience of having multi-GB ROM sets that have every game ever made for a given system. The majority of the games are of poor-quality and the collection is hard to explore. It’s not always practical to carry these sets on storage limited systems such as smartphones, single-board computers (such as the Raspberry PI) and portable game systems.

🕹️ Click Here for Collection

It is constantly evolving project and more and more games will be added as they are discovered. Feel free to suggest additional high quality games at toproms@cdahmedeh.net

There are currently several packages:

TopRoms: This is for cartridge based systems. Includes Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, SMS, Genesis, 32X, TurboGrafx-16

TopArcade: This is for Arcade Machines. It is compatible with MAME 0.236 and newer.

TopIsos: This is for disc-based systems. Includes Sega CD and Playstation. TurboxGrafx-CD coming soon!

TopHacks: Coming soon! A curated collection of homebrew games and ROM hacks!

Use your favourite emulator to play these games but we recommend the amazing multi-system open-source emulator RetroArch

I Want To Be A Generalist

I decided to become a generalist.

Discovering My Interests

It took a while to discover a very important aspect of my life. I didn’t want to have laser focus on only one aspect of the world, something that I was stuck in for a long time. I realized that I want to do a bit of everything and that was being more honest with myself. I felt like I escaped this illusion of life that I had and everything became so much more interesting.

Looking Back Into the Past and Now

The Past of Polymaths

If you search some notable persons on Wikipedia, you’ll notice that they hold multiple denominations such as scientist, philosopher, inventor, artist and so on. What you realize, these people have been from the deep past where being a polymath, someone who’s an expert in many areas, was actually quite standard. Despite the limited access to knowledge and no Interest, these people travelled far and wide to expand their knowledge eventually writing about it in exquisite texts that are so insightful that they are still canon and reference material today.

Our Present Of Specialization

In the past few hundred years, academia has developed a ride towards specializations. We are thought from elementary school that our way to success will involve picking a narrow field, mastering it and finding a job in that area. Although our school adventures starts with a balance of several subjects, as we progress through the grades, things start to narrow down. Once you reach the PhD level, your worldview seems really narrow and it’s seems that your subject is all you can talk about. As our modern times go by, it seems that the specializations are becoming even narrower to the point of making our views on aspect of life very binary and shallow.

Losing Your Advantage

The biggest disadvantage of specializing becomes the fact that what you learn might be irrelevant in just a few years in our fast paced world. If you studied about fourth-generation programming languages, well guess what, today it’s almost irrelevant and few career opportunities will allow you to use this out of date skill.

Leaving My Comfort Zone

Just like many, I was brainwashed to believe that the only way to success and fame was through university. As time progressed, I felt like I wasn’t being squished into a really narrow corridor. The illusions provided by past school became disillusionment.

I went to lounges for graduate students to learn more about their lives. Technically I wasn’t allowed to be there but the people I met were friendly and very open. I started to realize that their entire lives were dedicated to something very narrow. I tried to initiate discussions about something else but it would be awkward and unnatural. It wasn’t until I discussed their favourite subject. They lit up and had so much to say.

Exiting the Path of Specialization

The diplomas handed out at a long party started to seem irrelevant to me. It didn’t even mean I was good at something. I was just complacent ready to be obedient at some job. As one of my physics professors said “when you get a diploma, it just means congratulations! you've memorized fifteen books”.

This whole idea started to become a nightmare for me but for some reason I kept soldering on. The culmination of finishing my courses lead to a very anti-climatic event when I was handed my piece of paper. It was the result of 5 years of boredom that I spent so much money on.

After a long of only doing one thing in my life as a software developer, the shallow perspective of life made me feel incomplete. The world seems so full and colourful, good and bad, things. I left the shackles of my tiny little field and decide that I would like to know a bit more about this planet we live on.

New Careers and Hobbies

I decided to leave the software engineering to try other things. I wanted to do a bit of everything. After trying to bud myself into a field that I had no credentials, I’ve become a technical and content writer, as a freelancer. I left myself to do technology gigs despite my departure from programming doing mostly IT services. I’ve even started driving for Uber with a 10 hour shift every Saturday.

Volunteering was something I took on. I explored taking part in humanitarian efforts, animal conservation and even eccentric meetups. I’ve managed to start my own social club that’s been solid for more than two years with weekly meetings and over 600 members.

Many of these activities took much of my time and didn’t pay near as much as my old software consulting career, maybe even half. However, I feel more content with what I’m doing not only because of the enhanced freedom these opportunities provided but also erasing boredom due to the fact that I was doing something different all the time.

I’m not done yet on seeing what other things I can do. I have on my mind things like real estate and home decoration. Another thing that tickles my mind has a big stigma behind it. Becoming a cuddle therapist…


I didn’t know how to face my desires and the changes required to move on to something else. The risk was really big and the uncertainty uncomfortable. I was trying to hold something full-time while I looked but I was started to focus less and less on it. Instead, I was exploring the other avenues and doing many interviews that lead to failure. I felt like I had to go back to software but I eventually got my first writing gig. It was a roller-coaster because I was doing something I wasn’t qualified in but after finishing the projects, I was proud of what I did. The impact on the company was obvious.


This is a purely anecdotal experience. I noticed that many people worked in fields that have nothing to do with their diploma. Theologians becoming software developers. Electrical engineers doing sales for life insurance. Mathematicians stuck in a job filing tickets for a broken payroll system. Social scientists feeding city hall with wasted time. Uber drivers with advanced diplomas in mechanical engineering. And so on.

Job search has become so difficult that finding something that exactly matches your studies is really difficult. No matter your level of education, there’s a high chance that your intelligence won’t count compared to another candidate who’s less qualified but has more charisma and cheat his way through the interviews.

Learning and Learning to Learn


While some people want to collect diplomas like Pokémon cards, I thought that academia was probably the worst way to learn. The main problem is cost but also the outdated nature of the form of education. Most of your time was swallowed by boring lectures and endless assignments. Even worse, it cost so much money to the point where in some places around the world, you need a mortgage to study.

Unfortunately, depending on your field and work arrangements, some might be still asked to provide that magic piece of paper. Apparently, it’s a right of passage proving that you learned and mastered something. Nothing could be further than the truth however. Most students worked for grades rather than learning. Cheating is abundant. Professors are incredibly incompetent because they have no experience in the real world. When you escape university after a grueling four to five years, you realize that you’re not ready for the real world.

Self-Learning And Curiosity

This is a path that I’ve taken a decade ago. We live in a blessed age where knowledge is so accessible. Book stores and libraries everywhere with resources ready to have explore the world outside yours. Our biggest blessing is probably the Internet. Content for all sort of interests and often cheap to take part in, in fact sometimes free. You can pick your learning style whether it’s reading a book, doing exercises online or even boring lectures if that what suits you.

It takes much motivation and discipline to learn something. However, once you get into it, it becomes an addiction. Your thirst for knowledge grows and grows.

What will fuel your learning adventure the most is your curiosity. Sometimes you look at something as simple clock and start wondering how a quartz stone can accurately measure seconds. What about the intricate workings of a society you’ve never heard of? Do you want to memorize pi to a thousand places or be a fact machine for the capitals of each country in the world? The possibilities are endless.

Best part is that you can use this knowledge to teach others and make yourself a nice career with some variety. Maybe you won’t have diploma or anything but you just need to sell yourself well. If you’re lucky, some online courses provide certificates which can be added to your portfolio.

Learning on my own has opened my eyes to so many things teaching me so many facts. My sense of culture grew massively and suddenly I was more qualified in something that I didn’t even know existed as a skill a few moments before.

I can’t let go of that anymore. As one of my managers put it so well, I’m stuck in learning mode.

Time Investment

This desire to learn on the other hand required so much time from me. I had to push myself so hard to read Wikipedia all the time and feeding myself with books. I’m entranced with books now reading one or two books every week. I’m a non-fiction lunatic that will read anything (except for biographies). I let my impulsive nature pick the book for me.

My main method of learning is definitely reading. I am a faster than average reader peaking at 700 words per minute so that speeds me up a bit. However, I spend at least two hours everyday reading.

Other people prefer documentaries, lectures, audio books and so on. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long (as you feel that) you’re benefiting. See what you’re willing to invest time in.

Don’t worry about retention but focus more on comprehension. We all forget so easily but an experience will stay with us forever.

Practicing A Skill

Much knowledge requires another huge piece of time investment. If you’re learning about a musical instrument you probably want to practice often. Personally, I’m infatuated with flight and aviation. Learning procedures in a flight simulator can take some time and so much knowledge about the plane. The quirks of landing a plane need to be measured so you can successfully put the plane on the ground.

Of course, the best part is you get to choose how much time you want to spend on something.

Critical Thinking and Creativity

Having been exposed to many subjects, you develop new ways of thinking. Your perspectives are much wider and have new ideas that came to mind that you never even imagined. This sharpens your thinking skills. In fact, you probably just start to think more often instead of being bored staring at the wall. Eventually, that forces to change your perspective all the time and think from many different angles. This fuels your critical thinking skills and you might even become a better debater.

When it comes to creativity, this is really obvious. Having many ideas presented to you on a consistent basis, you develop more curiosity. As you have more ideas in your head, they can become a catalyst for new concepts. You will activate many parts of your brain and link things together that were seemed irrelevant on their own.

Combining Many Subjects

Specialists have rarely explored other subjects in detail. They never get a chance to combine multiple perspectives in one so they miss the chance for innovative thinking and freedom.

For example, if you are familiar with Toyota’s KANBAN methodology, you might fight that it is a good software development methodology as well. Perhaps your knowledge of Non-Euclidean geometry can help with that machine learning algorithm that you are developing.


Learning what I wanted to learn has changed my perspective drastically. I was finally starting to discover myself just a bit more and what my desires and aspirations actually are.

I really wanted to become good at things. Many things in fact. Nothing left as a black box opening things and analyzing their internal mechanisms. I need to be balanced so I can have interesting conversations and debates with all sorts of people. As a result, I became more comfortable with myself and even enjoy my own company.

The biggest change for me is the amount of activities that I can do now. I’m never bored and always have something to explore. I do multiple and different kinds of jobs now. I volunteer and host my own things.

For those who read my blog regularly, you will notice that I’m directionless (unlike many more popular bloggers focusing on a single niche) and quite haphazard sometimes. The subjects I cover are all over the place and this is due to my unending curiosity for learning and practicing a new art. When I learn, I want to share that experience and teach it to other people.