I Want To Be A Generalist

I decided to become a generalist.

Discovering My Interests

It took a while to discover a very important aspect of my life. I didn’t want to have laser focus on only one aspect of the world, something that I was stuck in for a long time. I realized that I want to do a bit of everything and that was being more honest with myself. I felt like I escaped this illusion of life that I had and everything became so much more interesting.

Looking Back Into the Past and Now

The Past of Polymaths

If you search some notable persons on Wikipedia, you’ll notice that they hold multiple denominations such as scientist, philosopher, inventor, artist and so on. What you realize, these people have been from the deep past where being a polymath, someone who’s an expert in many areas, was actually quite standard. Despite the limited access to knowledge and no Interest, these people travelled far and wide to expand their knowledge eventually writing about it in exquisite texts that are so insightful that they are still canon and reference material today.

Our Present Of Specialization

In the past few hundred years, academia has developed a ride towards specializations. We are thought from elementary school that our way to success will involve picking a narrow field, mastering it and finding a job in that area. Although our school adventures starts with a balance of several subjects, as we progress through the grades, things start to narrow down. Once you reach the PhD level, your worldview seems really narrow and it’s seems that your subject is all you can talk about. As our modern times go by, it seems that the specializations are becoming even narrower to the point of making our views on aspect of life very binary and shallow.

Losing Your Advantage

The biggest disadvantage of specializing becomes the fact that what you learn might be irrelevant in just a few years in our fast paced world. If you studied about fourth-generation programming languages, well guess what, today it’s almost irrelevant and few career opportunities will allow you to use this out of date skill.

Leaving My Comfort Zone

Just like many, I was brainwashed to believe that the only way to success and fame was through university. As time progressed, I felt like I wasn’t being squished into a really narrow corridor. The illusions provided by past school became disillusionment.

I went to lounges for graduate students to learn more about their lives. Technically I wasn’t allowed to be there but the people I met were friendly and very open. I started to realize that their entire lives were dedicated to something very narrow. I tried to initiate discussions about something else but it would be awkward and unnatural. It wasn’t until I discussed their favourite subject. They lit up and had so much to say.

Exiting the Path of Specialization

The diplomas handed out at a long party started to seem irrelevant to me. It didn’t even mean I was good at something. I was just complacent ready to be obedient at some job. As one of my physics professors said “when you get a diploma, it just means congratulations! you've memorized fifteen books”.

This whole idea started to become a nightmare for me but for some reason I kept soldering on. The culmination of finishing my courses lead to a very anti-climatic event when I was handed my piece of paper. It was the result of 5 years of boredom that I spent so much money on.

After a long of only doing one thing in my life as a software developer, the shallow perspective of life made me feel incomplete. The world seems so full and colourful, good and bad, things. I left the shackles of my tiny little field and decide that I would like to know a bit more about this planet we live on.

New Careers and Hobbies

I decided to leave the software engineering to try other things. I wanted to do a bit of everything. After trying to bud myself into a field that I had no credentials, I’ve become a technical and content writer, as a freelancer. I left myself to do technology gigs despite my departure from programming doing mostly IT services. I’ve even started driving for Uber with a 10 hour shift every Saturday.

Volunteering was something I took on. I explored taking part in humanitarian efforts, animal conservation and even eccentric meetups. I’ve managed to start my own social club that’s been solid for more than two years with weekly meetings and over 600 members.

Many of these activities took much of my time and didn’t pay near as much as my old software consulting career, maybe even half. However, I feel more content with what I’m doing not only because of the enhanced freedom these opportunities provided but also erasing boredom due to the fact that I was doing something different all the time.

I’m not done yet on seeing what other things I can do. I have on my mind things like real estate and home decoration. Another thing that tickles my mind has a big stigma behind it. Becoming a cuddle therapist…


I didn’t know how to face my desires and the changes required to move on to something else. The risk was really big and the uncertainty uncomfortable. I was trying to hold something full-time while I looked but I was started to focus less and less on it. Instead, I was exploring the other avenues and doing many interviews that lead to failure. I felt like I had to go back to software but I eventually got my first writing gig. It was a roller-coaster because I was doing something I wasn’t qualified in but after finishing the projects, I was proud of what I did. The impact on the company was obvious.


This is a purely anecdotal experience. I noticed that many people worked in fields that have nothing to do with their diploma. Theologians becoming software developers. Electrical engineers doing sales for life insurance. Mathematicians stuck in a job filing tickets for a broken payroll system. Social scientists feeding city hall with wasted time. Uber drivers with advanced diplomas in mechanical engineering. And so on.

Job search has become so difficult that finding something that exactly matches your studies is really difficult. No matter your level of education, there’s a high chance that your intelligence won’t count compared to another candidate who’s less qualified but has more charisma and cheat his way through the interviews.

Learning and Learning to Learn


While some people want to collect diplomas like Pokémon cards, I thought that academia was probably the worst way to learn. The main problem is cost but also the outdated nature of the form of education. Most of your time was swallowed by boring lectures and endless assignments. Even worse, it cost so much money to the point where in some places around the world, you need a mortgage to study.

Unfortunately, depending on your field and work arrangements, some might be still asked to provide that magic piece of paper. Apparently, it’s a right of passage proving that you learned and mastered something. Nothing could be further than the truth however. Most students worked for grades rather than learning. Cheating is abundant. Professors are incredibly incompetent because they have no experience in the real world. When you escape university after a grueling four to five years, you realize that you’re not ready for the real world.

Self-Learning And Curiosity

This is a path that I’ve taken a decade ago. We live in a blessed age where knowledge is so accessible. Book stores and libraries everywhere with resources ready to have explore the world outside yours. Our biggest blessing is probably the Internet. Content for all sort of interests and often cheap to take part in, in fact sometimes free. You can pick your learning style whether it’s reading a book, doing exercises online or even boring lectures if that what suits you.

It takes much motivation and discipline to learn something. However, once you get into it, it becomes an addiction. Your thirst for knowledge grows and grows.

What will fuel your learning adventure the most is your curiosity. Sometimes you look at something as simple clock and start wondering how a quartz stone can accurately measure seconds. What about the intricate workings of a society you’ve never heard of? Do you want to memorize pi to a thousand places or be a fact machine for the capitals of each country in the world? The possibilities are endless.

Best part is that you can use this knowledge to teach others and make yourself a nice career with some variety. Maybe you won’t have diploma or anything but you just need to sell yourself well. If you’re lucky, some online courses provide certificates which can be added to your portfolio.

Learning on my own has opened my eyes to so many things teaching me so many facts. My sense of culture grew massively and suddenly I was more qualified in something that I didn’t even know existed as a skill a few moments before.

I can’t let go of that anymore. As one of my managers put it so well, I’m stuck in learning mode.

Time Investment

This desire to learn on the other hand required so much time from me. I had to push myself so hard to read Wikipedia all the time and feeding myself with books. I’m entranced with books now reading one or two books every week. I’m a non-fiction lunatic that will read anything (except for biographies). I let my impulsive nature pick the book for me.

My main method of learning is definitely reading. I am a faster than average reader peaking at 700 words per minute so that speeds me up a bit. However, I spend at least two hours everyday reading.

Other people prefer documentaries, lectures, audio books and so on. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long (as you feel that) you’re benefiting. See what you’re willing to invest time in.

Don’t worry about retention but focus more on comprehension. We all forget so easily but an experience will stay with us forever.

Practicing A Skill

Much knowledge requires another huge piece of time investment. If you’re learning about a musical instrument you probably want to practice often. Personally, I’m infatuated with flight and aviation. Learning procedures in a flight simulator can take some time and so much knowledge about the plane. The quirks of landing a plane need to be measured so you can successfully put the plane on the ground.

Of course, the best part is you get to choose how much time you want to spend on something.

Critical Thinking and Creativity

Having been exposed to many subjects, you develop new ways of thinking. Your perspectives are much wider and have new ideas that came to mind that you never even imagined. This sharpens your thinking skills. In fact, you probably just start to think more often instead of being bored staring at the wall. Eventually, that forces to change your perspective all the time and think from many different angles. This fuels your critical thinking skills and you might even become a better debater.

When it comes to creativity, this is really obvious. Having many ideas presented to you on a consistent basis, you develop more curiosity. As you have more ideas in your head, they can become a catalyst for new concepts. You will activate many parts of your brain and link things together that were seemed irrelevant on their own.

Combining Many Subjects

Specialists have rarely explored other subjects in detail. They never get a chance to combine multiple perspectives in one so they miss the chance for innovative thinking and freedom.

For example, if you are familiar with Toyota’s KANBAN methodology, you might fight that it is a good software development methodology as well. Perhaps your knowledge of Non-Euclidean geometry can help with that machine learning algorithm that you are developing.


Learning what I wanted to learn has changed my perspective drastically. I was finally starting to discover myself just a bit more and what my desires and aspirations actually are.

I really wanted to become good at things. Many things in fact. Nothing left as a black box opening things and analyzing their internal mechanisms. I need to be balanced so I can have interesting conversations and debates with all sorts of people. As a result, I became more comfortable with myself and even enjoy my own company.

The biggest change for me is the amount of activities that I can do now. I’m never bored and always have something to explore. I do multiple and different kinds of jobs now. I volunteer and host my own things.

For those who read my blog regularly, you will notice that I’m directionless (unlike many more popular bloggers focusing on a single niche) and quite haphazard sometimes. The subjects I cover are all over the place and this is due to my unending curiosity for learning and practicing a new art. When I learn, I want to share that experience and teach it to other people.

How To Never Ever Lose Your Mouse Pointer Ever Again!

Well on Windows at Least…

Sometimes it seems that the mouse pointer gets lost somewhere on your desktop screens becoming like a needle in a haystack. No matter how many times you scan your screen, you can’t find it at all. It almost seems like it magically disappeared. No matter how much violently you move your mouse around, there’s no sign of the moving arrow anywhere.

Mouse Settings

Open Mouse Settings Configuration Dialog

Open the Start Menu and search for “Mouse”. Then select the second option “Change the mouse pointer display or speed”. The “Mouse Properties” dialog will show up.

Make the Control Key Help You Locate the Pointer

Under the Pointer Options tab, check and enable the “Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key” option.

Now, when press the Control Key, an animated circle will appear around your pointer.

Don’t Hide the Cursor When Typing

When typing, the cursor will disappear no matter where it is. It will only appear if you move the cursor out of the typing window. This can be fixed by unchecking and disabling the “Hide pointer while typing” option

Pointer Trails

The pointer trails generate a really cool effect where the mouse leaves old shadows of itself. Though it’s a matter of taste if you like the effect or not. Simply enable and check “Display pointer trails”

The effect will look like this.

Make the Mouse Pointer Stand Out

The default colour for the mouse pointer in Windows is white. Since most content such as documents and web pages have a white background, the pointer blends in well. Windows allows you to pick a pointer style that is always the inverse of the background colour.

Under the Pointers tab select the “Windows Inverted (system scheme)” Scheme in the drop down.

The increased contrast will make it easier to locate the pointer. Even if you know where it is.

Make The Pointer Bigger

In the list in the dialog you saw above, you can also select “extra large” and “large” which will make your cursor larger and hopefully easier to see.

With these simple tricks, you’ll hopefully save yourself the headache of locating the pointer. Never lose it again!

Build a (Poor Man's) Arcade Machine - On a Budget of 200$ or Less!

I was watching a bunch of YouTubers who were creating arcade machines from scratch. What they did was really impressive but I didn’t have the handyman skills or equipment (or money) to match them. I still wanted to make a game machine however and ignore how scrappy it is. Whatever it ends up, I’ll be proud of my work. It’s all about improvisation anyways, right?

My goal was to build an arcade machine (that didn’t look like one) with things that I already have avoiding buying new parts. A rummage in the basement storage locker presented me with quite some surprises. I’m encouraging you to use as much as what you already have.

Just because you’re on a tight budget, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. We’re stretching it thin and keeping the total cost under 200$. That’s much less than experts who spend thousands of dollar on tools, wood, expensive TVs, arcade controls and so on. I, in some way, envy them because looking at these builds make me feel skilless (and poor).

Keep in mind that this budget is for the minimum required to build a working machine. You may opt for higher end parts or have many of them already lying around. I personally didn’t have to make any new purchases since I had the components needed.

Let’s take a look about how you may find yourself into the way of fun without overdrawing your account.

The Parts You Need

The Computer

Obviously, you’ll need something to actually run your arcade machine and run the emulators and ROMs so you can play them. A local store, The Trailing Edge, sells refurbished PCs that office businesses discarded them. They had a pretty old machine that was priced for just under 100$. The reason I had it was for testing my software on a slower and older machines to see how it performed. I no longer needed it when virtual machines had support for reducing the execution cap thus emulating a slower machine. It sat in my closet doing nothing and collecting dust.

Some much cheaper alternatives are Raspberry Pi Boards. They provide a very compact system that is very inconspicuous and silent. These systems have become powerful enough to run retro games with no fuss. There are other single-board computers for about the same prices but I prefer the RPI because it’s the most popular one and has the best software support.

Don’t forget to check eBay for refurbished laptop and desktop computers for a very cheap price. You don’t need anything more powerful than a Celeron processor and 4GB of RAM. You could probably get away even less.

Check you’re existing inventory of computer devices. Over the years I’ve purchased many Raspberry PIs and single-board computers hidden in messes of drawers. Some old laptops were hanging around too but I’ve sold most of them.

Cost: 35$ - Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (1GB RAM)

The Software

Emulator front-ends have developed beautiful interfaces and easy setup. There’s so many choices and I’ll only list a few. Keep in mind setup can be a bit clunky and keep the official documentation handy and don’t be afraid to ask online for some advice.

If you’re using a PC, my favourite frontend is without a doubt LaunchBox/BigBox. It does cost some money but I already had purchased a license for my HTPC. There are some free alternatives with beautiful UIs such as Lutris and Playnite. There’s also EmulationStation which is very popular with Raspberry Pi users.

The games themselves are not that hard to find on the Internet but there’s huge moral concerns over obtaining them. While owning the game is usually enough, some take it far and dump the ROMs from the cartridges. Both solutions are expensive and it seems unreasonable that you’ll be chased around for software that’s more than 30 years old (unless you’re Nintendo).

One advantage of using a PC is that you can include other games such as your collection from Steam or whatever else you may have. Of course, the limited performance of these puny single-board machines that you got your hands on might not be able to play more demanding and serious games.

In the Gems section on this website, in the Piracy section at the bottom, you’ll find ways to obtain these ROMs. I’m also making a shameless plug for my curated ROM collection TopRoms which will shrink the footprint of having every game in existence rather than just the popular and high quality ones.

Of course, the frontends can’t actually run the game. While some projects like RetroPie and Recalbox will already have emulators configured other software will require you to download an emulator yourself. RetroArch is currently the most popular multi-emulator software with great compatibility and performance. One thing you’ll need to keep in mind, there’s a lot of manual setup to get things working properly so you’ll need to be stuck with documentation and using online queries.

The emulators and frontends currently available have never made it easy to get things up and running. The technical nature of these software caters more to those who have a good understanding of computing in general.

Of course, you can use the operating system of choice whether it’s Windows or Linux. Take a peek at AlternativeTo find the software that works for you.

Cost: 0$ - RetroPie

The screen

Many business are putting away their screens for something bigger and maybe better quality. Although virtually every monitor on sale these days are 16:9, this can be a little jarring since most classic games run at 4:3 aspect ratio. So the extra wide screen space won’t be useful.

There are many places where you can find cheap monitors for very low prices. Checkout liquidation centres, thrift stores and eBay. You may find something that costs less than 40$.

Personally, the monitor I had was a hand me down. It’s 10 years old now but It still works well. One frustration is that I lost the base for the screen and had to secure it by improvising with book ends and sticky tac.

Some purists may prefer CRT screens since they provide better response times and keep that authentic look because these older games were designed to run on them. You’ll usually find on them on classified ranging from free to unusually expensive prices.

One last thing to keep in mind, it’s likely that you’ll be standing while playing on the machine. As a result, the screen needs to be tilted very far back, almost at a 45 degree angle. It’s possible your screen stand that doesn’t move that far so be ready to improvise.

Cost: 35$ - Refurbished 17” Monitors

The Controllers:

I have to admit that controllers can make or break the gaming experience. So perhaps this is a place you can spend a bit more money. You can find cheap ones all over. In my opinion, the best bang for your buck is the Logitech F310. The buttons are firm, the D-pad reasonable and some nice shoulder buttons. Taking a quick at local stores, you can obtain one for 25$. If want something wireless, you might be paying double. But, if you want that authentic arcade experience, you’ll have to shell over 200$ for arcade style controls or buy a DIY kit which is only a bit less. I personally had some 8BitDo classic controllers lying around unused so they got connected to the PC.

Cost: 2x25$ - Logitech F310 Gamepad

Keyboard and Mouse

It’s almost certain that you have some old keyboards and mice lying around in a closet or storage room. You really don’t need anything fancy for the seldom cases where you need to configure the machine.

Look at local stores, thrift shops and liquidation centres. You can probably find a combo for less than 5$. The feel and accuracy of the mice and keyboard might leave quite a bit left to desire but it will enough for the rare times you will use it.

Another alternative is the air-mouse/keyboard combo that many HTPC enthusiasts use. I had two lying around from old HTPC projects. Finding one for less than 30$ is not impossible though.

Cost: 15$ - iCAN Keyboard and Mouse Combo

The Speakers

An acceptable set of PC speakers can be found for as low as 25$. You can also use Bluetooth speakers if you have one that you’re not using. Your screen may even have built-in speakers. The sound quality doesn’t have to be amazing, just enough to transmit the bleeps-and-bloops from our beloved classic games.

Cost: 22$ - AmazonBasics USB-powered Speakers

The Stand

This is the part where you probably have the most freedom. A quick look through Amazon and Ikea reveals many candidates for keeping your machine off the ground. Try finding high dining tables with casters, a small desk, a tall chair and so on. You’ll find furniture everywhere from thrift stores, to IKEA and many other places selling cheap furniture.

I personally used a sofa table with casters to keep things up. I was planning to use it for eating on the couch but it was too high. So it found new use after some minor changes.

Cost: 33$ - Furinno Just 3-Tier Turn-N-Tube End Table

The Odds and Ends

Remember you’ll need cables and power strips to get everything tied together. Some cable management ties might help keep your system clean. I tend to collect cables and I was able to find everything I needed. Otherwise head out to various online stores like Amazon and Monoprice and so on. Also take a peek at dollar stores.


There we have it folks, the total comes to almost exactly 200$ (192$). Taxes and shipping were not included since they vary based on your location. If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably a technology nut like me having wasted much money on things that became useless and obsolete quickly. Anything that you’re not using is an opportunity to save money and reuse something that was destined for the electronics recycler.

This is what my system looks like after completion. It looks like a hack job but it does exactly what I need it to do, play games!

However, don’t forget to add your magic touch to your build and keep the pride of what you have managed to do on a shoestring budget. 

Feel free to share in the comments below what kind of setup you have managed to build. It would be awesome to share pictures of your masterpieces whether it was a glued together rush job or a fully fledged arcade cabinet. There’s no floor or limit here.

Bringing a Taste of Linux to Windows

For a good part of my life, I was a Linux zealot. I preached it like I was preaching a religion. I felt superior to others because I could handle something so daunting and intimidating. I realized that most of my day was spent configuring the operating system rather than actually getting work done. As my responsibilities in life grew and my career as well, I didn’t have time anymore to deal with all the shenanigans and challenges that this operating system brought to my life.

Eventually, I got disillusioned with Linux and was tired of wrestling with it because the new update just borked my GPU drivers once again being presented with a black screen when booting up my system. I had to sift through documentation and wikis for hours to find out a solution and since I only owned one system, I had to relegate myself to my phone’s tiny screen. I was done. I made some backups and wiped everything out for a Windows 10 install.

Linux has spoiled me quite a bit and I got used to some its applications, features and quirks. Moving to Windows created some gaps in my workflow that I felt slowing and holding me down. Going back to Redmond’s offering has forced me to search extensively for software that would fill in these holes requiring quite some experimentation.

(Keep in mind the Headings can be clicked to go to the application’s website)

Windows Subsystem for Linux

The confusing name for WSL made it hard to understand what this feature was for the one who was uninitiated. However, Linux started to become an infatuation at Redmond and they became to embrace it starting with Azure. Windows 10 brought the surprise that I would be finally able to run my favourite Linux tools without needing a virtual machine and complex setup of shared folders. It was light and fast. Basically, WSL is Wine backwards: it runs Linux ELF binaries translating the Linux API calls into equivalent Windows NT ones.

All the beautiful Unix commands were finally available to prune through files easily, automate tasks and of course use magical tools to deal with obscure situations. You could even pick what distro WSL would run. I just picked Ubuntu because it provided a polished bash experience alongside a great package manager APT for pulling in your favourite packages and building your arsenal.

Shortly after, I customized it a bit by installing ZSH and doing various tweaks to make it just perfect for me. However, the built-in Windows terminal emulator left a lot to be desired and have a good solution:


I have no memory of how I discovered this tool however it was quite the revelation. It rendered the colours and symbols that Linux command line tools used. You could choose to start the shell you wanted even in administrator mode. The great Quake-style dropdown was available. And of course, a nice tiling functionality reminding you of your good old days in awesome tiling window managers. Tabs were not left out either.

You can even have ConEmu be part of your context menu so you can launch it straight from explorer.

Admittedly, the keyboard shortcuts are clunky and quite the mess, thus making them harder to remember. There’s so much to customize like colour themes, fonts and way more, but the settings window is a bit hard to decipher and quite difficult to navigate. I guess that’s the price you pay for all that customizability.


Linux’s probably most powerful feature is scripting. There are so many command line tools and APIs that you could create the most sophisticated scripts that did exactly what you wanted. Want to download a YouTube video on your hard drive? You’re covered. Need to rearrange displays when plugging in your dock? You got it. What about starting a bunch of applications per workflow? You’re set.

This is where AutoHotkey comes in, bringing the ability to automatic tasks via a huge swath of commands available at your disposal. Whether you want to move your pointer to the center of the screen or have a keyboard command bring up your note taking application. It’s all possible

Just like when scripting in Linux using bash or python, there’s quite a steep learning curve to get a hold of the power of this beast. Thankfully, the official documentation is excellent and like always, there are forums and stackoverflow to save you.

I personally use AutoHotkey to switch between applications and start the terminal. I don’t have ideas yet on what else I can do, but I don’t doubt that this scripting language will allow me to do whatever I need to suit my workflow.


In my opinion, the biggest showpiece that Linux has was tiling window mangers. It was a whole paradigm shift from floating windows to making them well organized and neatly stacked. My favourite WM was definitely i3 because of it’s ease of use and intuitive way of tiling windows. It was well tested and easy to configure as well.

When I left Linux land, I had to content with a disorganized mess of floating windows again. There was some honorable attempts (such as b3 and bug.n) at porting them to Windows but they were clunky and often didn’t work seamlessly. The truth is, the APIs on Windows for manipulating windows is quite complicated and often generated inconsistent results. The poor developers had to content themselves with these trying to shoehorn the power of tiling managers into an operating system that just couldn’t accept it and clearly wasn’t made for it.

In comes Divvy, a piece of software a friend introduced to me many years ago. Although it didn’t automatically tile the windows for you, you were able to organize your windows into tiles by selecting the area of the screen you wanted to fill. It’s very intuitive and quite customizable such as adjusting the size of the tiles and their count. You can even have gaps between the tiles. A featured so loved by /r/unixporn users who ran a modified version of i3 called i3-gaps.

Now, my desktop can be organized but unfortunately, I have to do it manually. It’s not bug free either sometimes windows not being moved or resized properly.


A feature that I fell in love with was provided by the lightweight window manager Fluxbox. You could merge multiple windows into a single title bar being able to switch them just like you would switch tabs in a web browser. This really helped with the mess experienced by floating window managers and provided more comfort.

I knew Stardock for it’s amazing customization tools bring powerful features to the Windows Desktop. I often kept an eye on their new releases and played around with what they had.

Groupy is one of their more recent creations. It allows Windows to be groups in tabs cleaning up your desktop quite a bit. You chose how you organized your windows whether it was by application type or easy workflow switching.

Unlike many of the other available solutions, Groupy looks clean and professional with a bit of configurability such minor appearance tweaks and keyboard shortcuts. It’s very intuitive: you simply drag a title bar of one window to another and that’s it. You have merged two windows into a tab.


These were a sampling of applications that brought creature comforts of Linux into Windows. I still think that Linux is awesome and use it extensively in VMWare for web servers and deploying software for those I work with. Every year is the year of the Linux Desktop but I don’t think we’ll ever get there. At this point, in terms of the general public, Windows and macOS own 100% of the desktop market share.

One plug and shout-out to AlternativeTo that helped me find equivalent applications for both Linux and Windows.

Please share your ideas on this topic in the comment sections below. Are you still a Linux user who managed to make a living out of it and comfortable with the OS? Or have you moved to another OS?

How to fix a Linux computer according to the Oatmeal

How to get a Software Engineering Job

The field of IT is incredibly competitive. People are attracted to the excellent pay and what they perceive as something easy, just sitting in a cubicle. However, it’s much more than that; it’s something that requires passion, dedication and care for your work. You need to constantly perform and any seems in your performance could be reason to take you out. Keep in mind that there’s hundreds of software engineers that applied for the same job and you need to be the cream of the crop.

I’ll go over the different aspects in creating a great image for yourself to make it more likely to get an offer. It’s more than your education that counts, but also your experience both at home and at work. You really need to look like a well-rounded person who has a life full of hobbies, volunteering and a big portfolio.

I hope this advice from someone who’s landed over 10 job experiences resonates with you a little bit and gets you through the narrow corridor of competitiveness.


This is the part where I struggled the most because everyone has a different take on what a good resume looks like. Rather than using my resume as an anecdote, I’ll suggest different styles that recruiters have suggested and the ones that have lead to me to an interview.

Even if you have a short two page resume, it’s unlikely that the hiring manager will go through more than the first one. I always recommend to have the first page to be a summary of your highlights including a description of you, your favourite experiences/job and a small list of your major skill sets. Then the resume can go into details over what you did. I noticed most interviewers only go through the first page of my resume.

In terms of length, some recruiters suggest between 2 and 4 pages while others say the longer the better. My resume is a length 20 pages but I doubt anyone reads the whole thing. From my experience, I noticed most only read the first page and zero in on some part of the resume. For example, I was hired at one company from my volunteering experience.

One thing, I beg you to avoid, is a terse one page resume. It just makes you look lazy and they won’t hire people who won’t take the effort to do proper work. I see it a lot but it seems unsuccessful in finding a job. Of course, you did more than one page of work in your life so don’t trivialize yourself.

Just remember that the first form of exposure to you when applying is your resume. They won’t meet you unless they’re happy with the contents of your resume.

Make your Resume stand out

Making your resume standout requires both subtle and obvious creative skills. One of the most subtle things I have done is exchange the Times New Roman font to Liberation Serif. That small difference makes the resume look more unique to the onslaught of Arial and Times New Roman resumes.

Word Processors comes with themes and layouts that you can use to make your resume look more different. Add your own touches to it and keep the styles function handy. So many resumes look the same and it’s your chance to make yours look different. This will increase the chance that a hiring manager will look at your resume.

I’ve seen very creative resumes with colourful graphics and even some interactivity. Those to me are really special and if you have the creativity for it, then go for it. Your resume will look different than everyone else’s.

What to make your Resume with

I’ve seen people make resumes with LaTeX and other complicated WYSIWYM systems and struggle with formatting and text placement. Yes, LaTeX produces the most beautiful documents but if you’re not a LaTeX veteran you’re spending way too time on something that could take you less time.

My secret, is Microsoft Word, although you could also use LibreOffice Write. If you’re creative with invisible tables and other tricks you can get a document formatted exactly the way you want. I have to admit some of the contortionist tricks can sometimes be buggy but at the end of the day you can generate a nice PDF file to present yourself. In my opinion, WYSIWYG is the way to go.

What to include in your Resume

If you look at my resume, you’ll notice a short one page summary but also a table of contents to whatever else the recruiter or hiring manager will want to take a look at. I suggest you include everything whether it’s volunteering work, your certifications, your education, your hobbies so on and so forth. Even if one experience is not directly related to your field, include it. It will make your look more polyvalent and as a result more well-rounded.

For each experience, separate the tasks into projects and rather than use paragraphs for each one, write bullet points. Not every job is project based so you’ll need a different presentation at the risk of making your resume look less consistent. Be creative here.

I recommend that for each job, you have a short list of technologies you work at for each companies. Sometimes, employers and recruiters only care about that so it will save them time pruning your resume.

Embolden key words in your descriptions which will help recruiters skim your resume rather than reading each line. They look for individual items and words that stand out make their job so much easier.

I heavily recommend creating a LinkedIn profile that is very similar to your resume. Recruiters often look at profiles for potential workers. In the tech world, LinkedIn is the most popular place for exposing yourself and finding jobs.


Although many employers require a diploma they often turn a blind eye to it. They’re looking for experience, both professional and personal. You might find it difficult to show off to their interviewers if they can’t find a GitHub account. Even if they are small, a few projects on GitHub can make a huge difference. However, make sure it’s your best code with the cleanest of comments and formatting.

Your portfolio doesn’t have to be only software you made, it could be anything else like essays you wrote. Like I said before, the more well-rounded you look, the higher chances of you landing an interview is. This is as important as they experience you had in your professional life. You’ll need to spend sleepless nights working on these and even one project can make a different. It doesn’t have to something fancy, even a web version of a Todo List can do.


For most, this is the scariest part of acquiring a job. Interview styles change drastically from very technical ones to more laid back informal ones.

In preparing for informal interviews, get familiar with the technologies that the company is using for their projects. Learn them well so you can answer questions about them. It shouldn’t take more than a day but it will make all the difference in the selection process. Know about the company and their industries and exude curiosity during the interview. Remember, casual interviews tend to be more two way.

For technical interviews, it’s the same deal, learn the technologies behind their projects. Whether they make you go on the whiteboard to create a stack using lists or ask you questions from JSR-310, don’t be afraid. Remember, interviews are two ways and don’t be afraid to ask questions. They’d much have a curious employee than someone who just does what they’re told.

Keep in mind that once you got offered an interview, you’re really far in the job acquisition process. This is probably your last step before getting asked for references.


As for references, pick coworkers and managers who’ve had a good impression on you. Ask their permission of course and get their email and phone number. I highly recommend you get their personal contact information because they could have changed jobs two years down the line.

Some employers however skip this step entirely as it’s quite a cumbersome task to make phone calls and send emails. This is especially true for contracts in comparison to full-time jobs.

Contracts vs. Full-Time

Contracts give the most freedom in terms of how you’re going to work. You can negotiate the terms and the timelines and the possibility of renewal. You can finish projects early and end the contract before the end time. If you need to quit for health reasons, you can do so at any times.

However, the biggest problem is the lack of any benefits whatsoever. No health insurance, no life insurance, no RRSP matching and so on. You have to arrange that yourself and very often you’ll find yourself denied for some benefit.

I do however heavily recommend you get incorporated. It makes dealing with taxes so much easier and it adds to the flexibility. Finally, the pay is much better than full-time jobs but get ready to do a ton of paperwork.

Full-time jobs are for when you desire security and benefits. If you have health problems for example you don’t have to worry about paying in full for whatever you need. The pay is much less but it depends how much comfort you want during your employment. If you get hired by a recruiter, you have some of the flexibility of contracting but with the comfort of a full-time job.

How to Apply

There are several places to upload your resume including Indeed, Monster and LinkedIn. I found that Indeed and Monster provide really low quality jobs often away from where you live. Only use them if you’re desperate. LinkedIn allows recruiters to see your profile and you can easily apply to many jobs just by providing your resume.

If you’re just starting, apply to as many jobs as you can. You don’t have the luxury of being picky, just find anything that matches your skill set and apply. Don’t take too much into account how far it is from your place and the salary. You need something to start building your experience.

More experienced people can be more selective as higher paying jobs need a ton of experience which you likely have at this point.

From application to finding job, in my experience takes from one to three months. Again that depends on your country and specific industry you’re interested.

Accepting Offers

Once you get the offer letter, don’t rush to accept it. Even worse, don’t accept the offer during the interview, it will make you seem more desperate. Be clear with them that you need a day or two to sleep over the offer before making a decision.


Applying for any kind of job can be gruelling and soul-crushing requiring immense patience. However, I hope the above tips get you closer to get you to a workplace you enjoy and cherish, no matter how bad the weather is.

If you have any questions or additional advice, please post a comment.